The visual comfort of A Sculptures
by Renzo Buttazzo
Comfort is not a purely physical sensation; on the contrary it is a total experience, which can involve all the senses, even more than one at a time. Whether it is touch, sight or even smell, there is no sense that overrides the other but the focal point is the sensation felt: a magical mix of physical and mental comfort.

Proof of this is the work of Renzo Buttazzo, a master sculptor in working with Pietra Leccese, an ancient limestone rock typical of Salento and famous for its ease of working. Thanks to more than 25 years of experimentation, the artist manages to give, to an apparently hard and unbreakable material, an aspect of lightness and harmony that give the observer, a unique feeling of peace and mental relaxation. No one would have guessed that the hard stone would be so comfortable.